NOOOOO!!!!!! AGH! I've missed 20 mins of the new SyFy channel movie Triassic Attack!! Maaaan!!!
I'm really pissed! I meant to DVR it and I completely forgot! Great! Now I have no idea what is going on.... Some guy is flipping his shit, in the rain, getting in to a bulldozer. Looks like I missed the dinosaur bones coming to life! Dammit... what pissed them off and brought them to life?! I hate missing the first part of a movie! It's only slightly important you know?
I've only been watching for a few mins, but the effects are already.... well. Noticeable? Nice CGI fire (Ha. Yeah. Right...).... but, really, fire IS difficult to re-create with CGI methods. It's 90% noticeable most of the timeNot saying nobody does it know? I understand what kind of movie I'm getting in to, but come on. Fire CGI...ok, I'll look the other way, but the smoke too? CGI smoke (badly done at that!)...? No reason for weak attempts like that. Even with a no budget, you can do certain smaller effects, like.... smoke and make it realistic looking. Yes. It's possible. Eye roll # 1.
Ok, so far the plot appears to be.... a small town is under attack by dinosaur bones, somehow brought back to life. Looks like there is a school archeology class working on a dig, a new girl in town going out with some friends, a guy living in his trailer, and a group of kids partying at a lake and a sheriff(?) out trying to figure out what the hell is going on with some missing artifacts. I'm not sure if this is the only group of cast members or not...? Doesn't look like everyone knows what's going on yet. How a bunch of dinosaur bones hide in a small town with nobody realizing it yet? (Eye roll # 2.) Well... I guess it's possible. I mean, what? A T-Rex is like, what 2 stories tall or something like that, right? So far I've only seen 3 dinos. A Pterodactyls, a T-Rex, and...what I'm guessing is a... Rapter (?). Oh, and now I find out why the dino bones are up and wandering around. The local medicine man had a indian ceremony because he was angry at the rich white guy buying up the local land (eye roll # 3.)
There are some cheesy little jokes thrown in the movie for extra measure. Stuff like, a guy hidding under a cow from a dino-bone-a-saur. The camera shows a fiew from under the cow. The guy says "That's utterly terrifying...". Hardy, har, har...yeah? I like that better then some of the cliched parts though (and that's just half way through the movie!). Really, a stalled car right as a dino attacks? Seriously?? (Eye roll #..... oh hell I've lost count by now...)
The acting seems better then some of the last few movies I've watched. Ha. Everyone is decent, except for the sheriff. He's not terrible though, he's just... kinda painful to watch. So wooden.
There are some incredibly unbelievable moments in the movie though. No, I'm not talking about the dino bones coming to life. I could totally believe that... but a 2 teenagers who don't have their cell phones with them? No WAY! Sorry, I don't buy that at all. It's ridiculous when stuff like that gets written in to a script. If you're going to have someone not have a cellphone, make the reason realistic. Have the phone left at home because it needs 3 hours to charge. (DO NOT, however, pull the "oh I'm in a spot of trouble, let me whip out my cellphone and start dialing, say 2 words and then my phone dies because it has a dead battery and I never noticed it was drained before hand". )
The CGI bones don't look as bleh as I thought it would. I mean, I understand... that's a hard texture to do with CGI and a lot of times people make the mistake of making it more shiny, smooth 3D looking instead of trying to go with a grungier, dirtier texture that looks more realistic and less sleek plastic-ish. The dino bones have a little bit of that shine to them, but it's tolerable enough to where it doesn't totally take you out of the movie instantly.
My biggest problem with the movie would be the cliched writing... I had several eye-rolling moments all through the movie. Talk about a long list of cliched. I don't even have time to type up the list, it's that long. I'm not sure who the writer is (IMDB fail!), but he really didn't hold back with the borrowed over done ideas. He (or she) just kept chucking them out. Is there an app for that or something? I'll check my iPhone... I'm a terrible writer, I could use the help. Maybe I can get a movie on SyFy too? :o
Still had an entertaining time watching the movie. Is it a must own? Well... not really... but it was fun to watch...............on tv..................for free. :)
3 stars out of 5
All you do is complain, but then it gets three stars? That makes no sense.
ReplyDeleteIs it a good movie? Not really. Did it have a lot of problems? Yes. Would I recommend it? No.
ReplyDeleteEven with it's issues, it didn't anger me the way some of the lower rated movies have. It didn't make me wish I knew how to build a time machine just to go back in time 2 hours and unwatch the movie.
It wasn't Munchies D:
My ratings are always crazy. I'm usually the only one that can make any sense out of them. :o