Saturday, November 27, 2010

Movie # 005 Thankskilling (2009)

For a Thanksgiving treat, last night I talked my husband in letting me put on Thankskilling for our usual movie night with friends.  After making friends and family members sit through movies like Munchies, I have been informed that I can no longer make any movie picks nor suggestions.  I personally think I pick out perfectly fine selections.  So they may not be oscar winners on any level and some of them most likely will make your movie player of choice (DVD, VHS, streaming, whatever...) contemplate suicide instead of finishing the movie you picked out... but come on.  It's the sense of adventure! To find the hidden gems or the infamous "OH GOD IT'S SO BAD IT'S GOOD!!" movies.  My family and friends don't seem to share that opinion, I guess.

So when I managed to get Thankskilling on the movie list for the night, I was pretty happy.  My husband was very nervous and our friend groaned.  They can suck it. It was Thanksgiving night and there just really aren't that many Thanksgiving horror movies, you know? Slim pickings, yo!  Besides, I had been hearing about this movie off and on for a while and it's clearly a movie you MUST see.

My husband cheered up (a little) as soon as the movie opened and the first shot of the movie is about 2 mins of close up boob.  According to him, a good movie = lots of token boobage for no real reason other then showing some boob.  I think he's watched too many 80s comedies.

Thankskilling is... wow.  That's the best word I can come up to describe  the craziness inside this movie. Evil demon turkey (a la very plastic-y turkey hand puppet) on a killing spree. This movie is all kinds of messed up.  I love it when the turkey is wearing a human mask on his face, and the humans are totally fooled by it or the scene where the turkey is wearing a disguise of glasses with the fake nose and mustache  and a man dressed in a turkey outfit are both having coffee together. Ha. Again.... wow.  There are some scenes in this movie that are- really- unforgettable. I'm looking at YOU extra small gravy flavored condom next to dead slut! I think I could have done without the demon turkey / human whore sex scene. Pretty sure you'll never see that in another movie...EVER........................I hope.....

I think my favorite part has to be at the end, when the demon turkey becomes radioactive (complete with full body green neon glow)! Everything just became extra fuckdiculous after that point that it all came back around to awesome.

Thankskilling is not a great movie. At all.... but it's one that I think lovers of B-movies and shlock must see at least once in their life time.  It knows it's bad, it embraces the bad, it never apologizes for it.  Thankskilling just rolls with it and has fun.

2 1/2 stars out of 5
(but still a must see!)

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